About Elvis Impersonator Johnny Thompson
When you search for a Las Vegas Top Impersonator for a corporate stage show or for a trade show, you will want to hire the world’s best Elvis Tribute Artist. It is just not about his ability to look like the character or person. Impersonation can be about becoming that personality on stage. It requires a lot of training and practice. You can easily see the difference between someone who has a lot experience in performing on stage shows and someone just starting out in the business. Thompson has show itself is usually very high energy.
Johnny Thompson one of the best Elvis Tribute Performers in The World looks so much like the King of Rock n Roll he is stopped every where he goes, for photos and autographs. And then when he starts to sing the hits of Elvis’s million selling hits, Elvis Hits like Jailhouse rock, My way, Heartbreak Hotel, Blue Suede Shoes, CC Rider, Suspicious Minds the audience goes crazy dancing to the music. Most tribute Artist shows prefer to have the Elvis Impersonator as the final act at the end of the show, since Elvis is so popular. The crowd reactions can be funny to watch. Some people actually feel that the character is on stage. Some members of the audience get stage struck. Others are even drawn to tears when they see the Elvis Tribute Performers .
Besides being a performer, Johnny is an accomplished Martial Arts Instructor. He was nominated into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 1998 and has 4 Black belts to his credit. He as a 3rd Degree Black Belt in American Combat Kempo, 3rd Degree Black Belt from the American Knife Fighters and Street Fighters Congress. He also has a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and 1st Degree Black belt in Combat Hapkido. Johnny is also a Certified Jeet Kune Do Instructor, Bruce Lee’s fighting Method, and Certified under two Grandmaster’s as an Advanced Instructor in Filipino Martial Arts of Arnis and Escrima ( a knife, and hand to hand combat System). Johnny has taught women’s Self Defense courses, Law Enforcement including FBI Agents, Local Police Departments and Prison Guards in the Chicago area. Johnny was also a member of the Original Mortal Kombat Stunt Team in Chicago, starring all the main Characters from The Mortal Kombat Video Game. And was a stunt fighter in a move called “The Book of Swords” starring the stunt teams members, most notably Ho Sung Pak.